Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blogpost #4: Sexuality

Have you been judge because of your gender?Do you let it get through you? How do you cope up the teasing eyes of the people? Well whatever your gender may be, you have the freedom to express and be it. It doesn't matter what people may think as long you are being yourself. I know some of you will say, "What if we get bullied?" or "What if our community do not accept us?" well those what if's are just holding you back. Be free take risk, save yourself from suffering, be a good example to many.

Here's an article for those people who wants to go out of the closet but is too scared to do it, it's What Is Even More Powerful Than Coming Out? by David Fleischer. this article expresses what power you have when you go out and free yourself to what gender you what to be. Fleischer talks about how they have counted a somewhat survey to many and had a one-on-one talk to the voters on why they have voted for that. Fleischer said "We won't solve the problem of prejudice overnight. Conversations take time. And they aren't a panacea. Some of our fellow human beings will cling to prejudice. Also, our knowledge of how to do this is imperfect. We are still learning.", Here i can say that he got everything right. It takes time for people but eventually they'll get used to it. We can't help it their are many people that are being too judgmental, it's up to us if we'd give a shit about it. It's better if you'd not listen to them. 

For me, it doesn't matter if your gay or straight as long as you know what you're doing. It doesn't matter if you're freely expressing yourself as long as you're not hurting anyone. Forget what people think about you and your beliefs Fleischer made his point and I advise people to read his article also, It will give them some encouragements Fleischer's article will give them confidence and self-esteem. if you're still in the closet, Go out and explore the new world that awaits you.

Next is an article named The context of anti-gay violence by G.M. Herek, the article is quite short but it says many things about heterosexism. Heteroxism is prejudice against lesbian and gay people. herek saidin the article "Supported by these ideological underpinnings, cultural heterosexism fosters anti-gay attitudes provideing a ready-made system of values and sterotypical beliefs that just such prejudice as "natural".", Herek is pointing out the environment theses LGBT people are in. The world is like revolving in prejudices and judgements of people. One can never be satisfied by just watching ads observing, It's like it's a must to say out your opinions and criticism even if it harms the other person. That's the world we are in right now. 

We need to work together if we want to create a world that are sons and daughter may be free to express themselves, Free from the teasing eyes of the people. let's correct everything while we can before its too late. Change is inevitable, we can still do something. Show care for one another because just like us thos LGBT's are part of our world and is a human being too.

Blogpost #3: A hurtful Generation

Our generation today is somewhat full of crappy judgments, judgments that are not meant to be said but still people keep on blabbering. This judgments get inside peoples head and creates a scar no people can see. Judgments are like stray bullets in may not be targeted towards you but you still got hurt. People with so much hate and insecurities have many things to say about others even though they don't know if it's true or not, those people are careless, Yes, they just want to say their opinions and observations but have they ever thought about those people hearing it? How would they feel about it? What would they think about you? So before you open your mouth and say anything keep those questions in mind. 

Last night, I was looking for some article that may help me do my school works and i found this article that revolves around the typical prejudice in our ages, the title was Seen But Not Heard: Age Prejudice and Young People by Judith Bessant. There Bessant quoted this "while we value the signs of youth , we also continue to discriminate quite savagely against young people ",  this explains everything that people with age insecurity is doing. Everybody wants to look you and fresh, well that's okay but when you go overboard and go through methods that are unnecessary, that's when you're actually judging yourself. It's like you're saying "I do not belong to this world because my age is getting higher", No that's not a rightful thinking. People must erase that in their minds.  

According to Bessant the government from some countries are making some laws and policies against age discrimination. Bessant said that it's a good thing this agencies and governments are taking the right path by taking a step forward and preventing these things to happen before it get worse. 

So my thoughts and comment here is, It's good that someone noticed this kind of discrimination. People only though that racism is the only discrimination they have committed. People should stop being so conscious of there age, It's just a number guys. Okay some may look younger with their age and some may look older but who cares it's part of the life cycle we're in at right now. It's okay to feel envious of others, just don't take it too personal and go out of your way, that's not right anymore. So i advise people that just be their selves and be at the right attitude. having a good outlook in life can help you fresh and healthy. 

In accordance to this i have read another article that generalizes the simple prejudices against people, the article was Generalized Prejudice: The Bigotry Bigot-Tree by Gordon Hodson Ph.D. This article discusses the different kinds of judgments people give to each other. Hodson created a representation of the typical prejudices people give or categorized others. 
bigotry bigot-tree
The Bigot-Tree, Hodson thought of this because there was this one guy who hated everything that was written there.  The guy even killed someone because that someone has one of those traits written in the tree. I quote Hodson here " the research record most clearly supports the view that prejudices are the result of personal factors, situational factors, and their interactive effects. We ignore the effects of the person at our peril, just as we ignore the situational effects at our peril." Hodson made a point here. Yes, this is what is happening right now in our generation. people categorized each others based on their personal standards and understandings of others. People can't just let anyone of the hook, even the simplest of the simple isn't safe in this peoples eyes. 

So therefore i comment, as the same as i said above, before creating biases or statements about people you should get to know them first and eliminate any discrimination that you can think of to that person. You may never know how He/She would take in. Forget all the Personal factors and standards that you thought about against people before and start a life with a more understanding and prejudice free life. You never know what harm  you may bring to others and to yourself. 

Blogpost #2: Speak up

Now a days many people suffer from depression and other anxieties, some of those people experienced it because of the everyday comments they here or for short the judgement and criticism people give to them. So I'm going to ask you a question, are you one of those people who suffers from it too? Or are you one of those that criticize and judge others? If so you should think twice because you don't know what you're doing to that person. It may look like they don't care or that it does not affect them but deep inside they are hurt, they have these thoughts that bug them and make them doubt about themselves, so Stop it!

I have read an article about two parents arguing with each other. Parent A was being racist to Parent B to which is very rude and inappropriate. The article title was The power of prejudice -- and why you should speak up by Amanda Enayati, CNN contributor. The article author, Enayati, had talked to the witnesses of the argument, Enayati found out that people just watched the two fought and did not do anything to stop it. Enayati was worried about the children that was seeing it because it may harm them or teach them something that is not right. in that article Enayati used three principle reason on how people react to such events, so first Enayati said "they have to make that determination", she was referring to those undecided bystanders. second was "there is a "standing" issue. That is, even if they are certain that someone was targeted by prejudice, onlookers have to determine whether they have the right to speak up." , here she was referring to what bystanders must do after they have determine the situation. third was "And finally, people may have concerns over what to say. They may fear for their own safety or have a general aversion to discussing group memberships and a belief that the best way to avoid mistakes is to assume a color-blind stance.", and lastly for me this is quite selfish because those bystanders have the chance to speak up and help others but some choose the quiet side and just be watcher of that scene. i know some people are just scared but have you thought about this, what if that happened to you would you rather like someone help you? that have many people just watch be criticize to something that makes you, you. 

To Miss Enayati, I salute you for noticing this events and started writing an article about it. You're helping others see what they may or might do to others if they don't  use their words carefully. i think this article is very helpful in enlightening people on what surroundings they have and will create. it helps young people be more open-minded and not be very stereotypical to others. this article can be an eye-opener to many. and if you're going to ask me where i stand, I'll be one of those people that will do anything i can to help those people experiencing or being prejudice by other people.

Another article I have read is Prejudice All Around by William Saletan. It was about a white cop shooting a black man. Speculations were made and the jury decided that the cop was not guilty and that it was the black man's fault. there was two options but neither fits the event so when they asked some witnesses the story was really different to what the jury says to many and based their decisions to.

Saletan advises people that they should all look back to some past events that has similar incident with this one. Many black men are being killed and was was given a fake reason so that those cops won't be put in questions. This quote caught my attention “This isn’t just about one case of questionable behavior by a single officer. This is about a systemic and common problem in the American justice system.”, It's like he's stating that there is hole in their government system, that something isn't right. Saletan made his point here and i get that, As a Filipino citizen, I see many stuff like this and it pisses me off to see those people get away with the bad things they have done to innocent people, It's just cruel.

I can say that people mistreat others just cause they're from a different race. Those people think lowly of others and because of that they become more confident about themselves and thinks that if they do such thing to people they just can easily get away with it just because they look more decent than the guy they have harmed. This is not right, It's like our government system is giving a strong power to babies. Those kind of people should not be given such because they'll just use it for something wrong and might cause some injustice to some innocent beings.